So it is one of my favorite times of year......the weather gets warmer......boating is almost here in full force....Easter is here....and BEST of all...The Masters's started today! YEAH!!!!!!! Everyone knows that golf holds a VERY special place in my heart. Although I do not get to play any where near as much as I'd like to, I still LOVE the game. To those of you who have been there, you can appreciate this quote from my dad, "If there is a heaven, it can't be any prettier than Augusta National!" I never really appreciated him saying that until I got to go myself! It has to be one of the most Beautiful places on earth! There is just something about that place! The feeling when you are there is unreal! And it's the same Mystic feeling every time you go! So here's to some great golf the four days and good weather! I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Easter weekend!

I know you love this time of year! I bet it is beautiful. Maybe we'll get to go one year!