Thursday, July 16, 2009


So I haven't blogged in a while and I'm finally getting a chance to do it! So here we go.........I Can't believe July is already half way over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems like the 4th was just last week!!!! In our business, July 4th is the peak so to say. It's why you work EXTREMELY hard from Memorail Day up to the 4th..... And as most of you know.....I've been telling everyone that I am "Happily tired". And I AM!!! I would much rather be tired than sitting here not selling anything and having to worry about not being here next year.

I'm not complaining.....but......Now that the 4th has come and gone, everything is starting to catch up with me and I really am tired! But still thankful! We are still busy which is GREAT especially since our time frame on making money in this industry is small and (typically) starts really slowing down after the 4th. So here's to a great year and a lot of hard work! YAY!!!!!! Hard work does pay off!!! So I am REALLY looking forward to the Fall and Winter for some travel and down time! Our first trip will be to Jamaica the first week in October for our niece's wedding! We have other things planned as well.....I'll blog about those later!

Here are some pics from Father's Day and the 4th! Enjoy !

This was @ breakfast...the start of the day!

This was @ the end of the case you couldn't tell:) They were both SO tired!

Cara LOVES Nemo and Dory!!!! She ran up to this tank talking to "Dory" and telling her, "Hi" it was too cute!

I have a BIG animal lover!!!!! ALL Animals!

Until next time..........