Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So, if you read my last blog you know we had a good season! We have still been steady at work, but not hectic! My life has been getting back to normal, somewhat, in that we are getting home at normal hours and we are getting to spend more time with Cara which is GREAT!!!!!

By the way........I'm signing Cara up for a tiny tot clogging class :) I think she will enjoy this! We'll know soon enough!

We are very excited about cooler weather coming! Looking forward to Fall, Football, Winter, and traveling. Teddy is counting down the days to college football starting, which is about a week now!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I know what are plans are next week :)

On another note......I am always curious as to where other people want to travel to! I have TONS of places I want to see but where do you all want to go? Just curious, so let me know!

We are headed to Jamaica in 35 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a much needed vacation!