Friday, February 20, 2009

first time

OK! So here goes, I finally decided to create a blog page for my family! So, I'm still learning the ropes, but I think it's a great way to keep in touch with everyone and what's going on! So what's going on we us right now????? We just finished up a GREAT and successful Boat Show here in Knoxville. So, in my opinion, the economy is not all doom and gloom! I'm sure it is worse in other areas but I think if we want things to get better....WE have to make things happen! I wish more people could be positive.....I think that's why people like dealing with us! My husband and I are VERY postive people and people enjoy that. This weekend we are going on a "mini" trip! We are going to KY to the Houseboat show! As most of you know, my husband and I have a thing for ALL boats! We got free tickets so we are going to check them out! It will be fun and I know Cara will enjoy it. Who knows.....maybe we'll pick up a line and start selling some????? Any input on house boats???? Anyway, I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Welcome to the World of Blogging! So glad you started one! Such a great way to keep everyone in the loop. Love y'all! -Kayce
