Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday. I know we did and the weather was great. We spent most of the day at my mom's house eating and playing outside! Cara did a GREAT job at finding eggs. After dinner Cara, Tanner, & Ryley hunted eggs a couple of times. Then Ryley and tanner just kept hiding eggs for Cara to find. They all ha a blast and everyone enjoyed being outside. After egg hunting the kids moved on the the sandbox and other toys while the adults played a few games of included. None of us were very good, but at least we had fun and everyone had a good laid back day. After mom's house we were suppose to go to the Branham's for an egg hunt but Cara feel asleep in the car so we went home. Once home we just relaxed, watched the Masters, and grilled out. Poor Cara was so worn out she even went to bed early last night. It was a very Blessed and Peaceful day. Here are some pictures! Enjoy!

Nana and the Grandkids!

Teddy & Cara

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Easter pictures, especially the last one of Cara and Uncle Teddy. So cute! I can't wait until Jamaica when we get to see y'all! Hope y'all had a wonderful Easter!
