Monday, May 11, 2009

Where does the time go???

I hope everyone had a GREAT Mother's Day! I know I did! Plus we all have so much to be thankful for. I knew Memorial Day Weekend was coming up soon but at the same time it REALLY hit me today! Probably because we sold 6 boats in 2 days and everybody wants them this week! On top of everyone calling and wanting their boats serviced before the Holiday weekend......I have one question for those people.....WHY didn't you get your boat serviced in the Fall??????? So all of that top with over two weeks of it raining everyday.........has put us behind schedule to say the least. We will manage to get everything done somehow though but we'll be looking forward to the Holiday as well!
On another note.....I would like to ask everyone to pray for my best friends son and her family this week. Carter Houston is having brain surgery on Thursday to hopefully help with his seizures. Most of you know that his mom Leslie is my BFF and I really wish I could be in Cleveland with her this week! So please pray for him to have a smooth surgery, a speedy recovery, and hopefully this fixes his problems. He is not even a year old yet but he is a trooper! Wish them the best of luck this week!


  1. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! As y'all always say . . . work hard, play hard!

  2. Hey there! I just looked at my page for the first time in forever and see that you have a blog! Cool! I kinda have fallen off the face of the earth with mine...Anyway, good to be able to read about your life! I will pray for has to be one of the hardest things in the world to have your child sick...
